Committed to a clean future

As part of our commitment to environmental stewardship, Eco-Growth Manitoulin embraces the Net Zero Challenge. Our goal is to work towards achieving net-zero carbon emissions on Manitoulin Island. Through a combination of innovative strategies, renewable energy solutions, and waste reduction initiatives, we aim to mitigate our ecological footprint. We invite local communities, businesses, and individuals to join us in this collective effort towards a carbon-neutral future. Together, we can overcome the net zero challenge and create a sustainable and thriving Manitoulin Island for generations to come.

The minimum requirements to join

  • Set a net-zero emissions target for 2050 or earlier.
  • Complete a Preliminary Participation Checklist within 12 months of joining.
  • Complete a Comprehensive Participation Checklist within 24 months of joining.
  • Set at least two interim reduction targets.
  • Report on progress annually.
  • Review and update net zero plans every five years.
  • Conduct and make public climate-related financial disclosures (SMEs exempt).
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